Eco-Asset Management projects typically include a landscape scale, multi-resource conservation effort that addresses aquatic resources (streams, wetlands, water quality), habitat management (for wildlife and protected species) or reconciled land use practices (agricultural, recreational).

Projects are generally developed in a context of market-based conservation strategies and economic modeling that maximizes funding opportunities, including private investment and eco-asset valuation/marketing.

EAM's expertise in all technical fields (stream/riparian restoration, wetland restoration, wildlife management, eco-asset development) provides clients with a turn-key, full-service strategy difficult to find anywhere in the country.

Our particular expertise with mitigation/conservation banking is evidenced by the establishment of the first:

  • Wetland mitigation bank in Montana
  • Stream mitigation bank in the six-state Omaha District of the Corps
  • Only statewide Umbrella Banking Agreement*

*Allows the Sponsor to sell bank credits before establishment of the bank site – a unique tool making full use of market drivers accommodated in the new Corps – EPA mitigation rule.

The Upper Yellowstone Mitigation Bank, provides credits for both wetland and stream impacts within a broad service area in south central Montana. The sponsor is restoring and enhancing up to 80 acres of wetlands, and over 50,000 linear feet of streams including Morris Creek, Ingersoll Creek and West Rosebud Creek creating an opportunity for advanced mitigation of development impacts under Section 404 (Clean Water Act) regulatory program.

Upper Yellowstone Mitigation Bank

Beartooth Logo


The Upper Missouri Mitigation Bank serves as a stream and wetland mitigation bank within the Upper Missouri Major Watershed Basin in southwestern Montana providing compensatory mitigation for projects which impact wetland and/or stream resources. Restoration of Owsley Slough and Stinking Water Slough, as well as portions of the Jefferson River, and adjacent riparian and wetland habitats, creates an opportunity for advanced mitigation of development impacts under Section 404 (Clean Water Act) regulatory program.

Upper Missouri Mitigation Bank


The Middle Missouri Mitigation Bank serves as a stream and wetland mitigation bank within the Middle Missouri Major Watershed Basin in central Montana.  The bank provides compensatory mitigation impacts to wetland and/or stream resources where the Corps of Engineers and/or the Montana DEQ have jurisdiction.  The restoration of Salt Creek and its tributaries, as well as adjacent riparian and wetland habitats, creates an opportunity for advanced mitigation of those impacts under Section 404 (Clean Water Act) regulatory program.

View photos.

Middle Missouri Mitigation Bank



With multiple bank sites in Treasure, Rosebud and Carter Counties, Lower Middle Yellowstone Umbrella Mitigation Bank will restore and enhance approximately 63 acres of wetlands and over 45,000 linear feet of streams. The projects lie in the Greater Yellowstone Basin of the Lower and Middle  Yellowstone Major Watersheds, and represent a significant contribution to the habitat resources of the Yellowstone River Ecosystem.As development activities affect the natural resource base in this major watershed basin, the restoration of these Bank Sites creates an opportunity for advanced mitigation of those impacts under Section 404 (Clean Water Act) regulatory program.
The Tetonka Wetland Mitigation Banks have been authorized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, to serve as a wetland mitigation bank within the Big Sioux River Major Watershed in southeast South Dakota.  The purpose of these banks is to provide compensatory mitigation for projects which impact wetland resources where the Corps of Engineers and/or the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources have jurisdiction.

Tetonka Logo