Eco-Asset Management projects typically include a landscape scale, multi-resource conservation effort that addresses aquatic resources (streams, wetlands, water quality), habitat management (for wildlife and protected species) or reconciled land use practices (agricultural, recreational).
Projects are generally developed in a context of market-based conservation strategies and economic modeling that maximizes funding opportunities, including private investment and eco-asset valuation/marketing.
EAM's expertise in all technical fields (stream/riparian restoration, wetland restoration, wildlife management, eco-asset development) provides clients with a turn-key, full-service strategy difficult to find anywhere in the country.
Our particular expertise with mitigation/conservation banking is evidenced by the establishment of the first:
- Wetland mitigation bank in Montana
- Stream mitigation bank in the six-state Omaha District of the Corps
- Only statewide Umbrella Banking Agreement*
*Allows the Sponsor to sell bank credits before establishment of the bank site – a unique tool making full use of market drivers accommodated in the new Corps – EPA mitigation rule. |